What happens if you meet your doppelganger?

Hey there, yes you… not that other guy who looks like you. Have you ever caught a glimpse of someone who looks exactly like you, only to realize it’s not you at all? This eerie phenomenon, known as encountering a doppelganger, has fascinated and spooked people for centuries. In this blog post, let’s delve deep into the lore, psychology, real-life instances of doppelgangers, and unravel the mystery behind these uncanny doubles.

What are Doppelgangers?

Let’s start with the basics. The term “doppelganger” comes from the German words “doppel” (double) and “ganger” (walker or goer), meaning a double-walker or look-alike. In folklore and mythology, doppelgangers are often portrayed as supernatural or ghostly entities that mimic a person’s appearance, behavior, or even predict their imminent death. Creepy, right? Today, we mainly use it in reference to living people who look eerily similar in physical characteristics.

The Lore and Legends

Now, let’s talk about the juicy stuff—legends and folklore. Throughout history, doppelgangers have been a common theme in stories and myths. They’re often associated with omens of misfortune or death. Across different cultures and time periods, doppelgangers have held varying meanings and interpretations.

Ancient Egyptian Mythology

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the ka was a spiritual double that accompanied a person throughout their life and into the afterlife, reflecting the concept of duality in existence.

Norse Mythology

In Norse mythology, spotting your own doppelganger was believed to be a sign of impending doom. Seen as an omen of doom, it was thought that some terrible threat or fate was coming your way. As part of the Norse belief in fate and destiny, coming across your double was seen as a major disruption in the path of your life.

Irish Folklore

Similarly, in Irish folklore, coming face-to-face with a doppelganger was seen as a bad omen, bringing with it all sorts of bad luck. Misfortune and bad luck were sure to find you as they saw them as supernatural forces and a warning of upcoming danger in your life.

German Folklore

And back to where the word originates, Germany. In German folklore, doppelgangers are seen as the ghostly twin or the shadow self of a living person. A malevolent spirit that can mimic the form of a person and create deception or possession for their human double.

Art and Literature

And let’s not forget about literature! The Victorian era saw an increase in all things spiritual, especially in the writing circles. Classic works like Edgar Allan Poe’s “William Wilson” or Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” have given us some spine-chilling doppelganger tales that keep us on the edge of our seats. Working in the themes of inner turmoil and psychological conflict, they play with the duality of life and the evil twin or shadow self. They have been used to explore themes of identity, duality, and the human psyche. Artists like Salvador Dali and writers like Franz Kafka have depicted doppelgangers in surreal and thought-provoking ways, challenging our perceptions of reality and self.

Psychological Perspectives

Now, let’s get into the psychology behind doppelgangers. It’s not just about spooky stories; there’s some serious studies and research going on here.

Mirrored Self-Misidentification

Ever heard of “mirrored self-misidentification”? It’s a rare neurological disorder where people think their reflection in the mirror is actually another person. Our perception and that of reality blur to create confusion and disorientation in what we think we are seeing.

Alter Egos and Shadow Selves

Psychologists also talk about “alter egos” or “shadow selves,” which are like hidden versions of ourselves that can manifest as separate entities. Think of your doppelganger as that side of you that you don’t always show the world—it’s like having a secret twin! We could see this as a manifestation of our hidden selves, our desires, conflicts, and fears. Having to confront our true selves could be a nightmare in itself.

Perception and Projection

As others see us more than we see ourselves, it can be hard for us to know what we really look like. We can project onto someone who looks a bit like us the qualities we see in our own perceptions. We could see our double as more like ourselves as we reflect not only a physical resemblance but a psychological one as well.

Exploring the Uncanny Valley

Let’s talk about the “uncanny valley”. It’s this idea that when something looks almost, but not quite, human, it gives us the creeps. Picture those super-realistic humanoid robots—they’re fascinating, yet unsettling at the same time. Doppelgangers can trigger that same feeling of unease because they’re so similar to us, yet not quite us. With the similarities but slight differences, it can evoke uneasiness and a sense of fear at what we are looking at. Is this real or not?

Humans’ Propensity for Pareidolia and Filling in the Blanks

Ah, here’s where things get really interesting! Humans have this fascinating tendency called pareidolia, where we see patterns or familiar shapes in random objects or stimuli. It’s why we might see faces in clouds or animals in rock formations. This propensity for pareidolia could explain why we’re so prone to spotting doppelgangers—we’re wired to recognize familiar patterns, even when they’re not really there. Our minds fill in the blanks, sometimes creating illusions that seem all too real.

Real-Life Encounters

In today’s pop culture landscape, doppelgangers continue to capture our imagination. From movies like “The Double” and TV shows like “Orphan Black” to urban legends and viral internet stories, doppelgangers remain a popular topic. Reports of doppelgangers have been circulating for centuries, wrapped in layers of superstition and intrigue. Traditionally, these doubles were seen as ominous, harbingers of misfortune or doom. Encountering your doppelganger was akin to stumbling upon a bad omen, sending shivers down the spine of those who believed in such folklore.

However, in modern times, the narrative around doppelgangers has shifted. While some still associate them with bad luck or malevolent forces, many sightings portray them as mundane individuals going about their daily lives. This evolution in perception reflects a broader change in our understanding of the world and our place in it.

Emilie Sagee

Take Emilie Sagee, for example. She was a teacher in the 19th century who supposedly had a doppelganger that mimicked her every move. Not long after she started her new job as a teacher, rumours circulated that she was seen in two places at once. So strange were the sightings that parents started taking their children from the school till barely any remained. Sagee was then asked to resign her position.

Modern-Day Sightings

In today’s world of social media and interconnectedness, doppelganger sightings are more common than you might think. People share photos of strangers who look eerily similar to them, sparking debates about genetics, identity, and the weirdness of it all.


One intriguing explanation for doppelgangers is the concept of bilocation—a psychic projection of oneself appearing in two places simultaneously. This idea adds a layer of mystique to the phenomenon, suggesting a deeper connection between the doppelganger and its counterpart.

Personal Encounters and Beliefs

So, have you ever crossed paths with a doppelganger? Do you believe in the eerie allure of mirror images and parallel lives? Whether you see them as a twist of fate or a stroke of coincidence, doppelgangers add a layer of fascination to our understanding of identity and the mysteries that lurk in the shadows. In the realm of paranormal phenomena, doppelgangers remain one of the most intriguing and enigmatic. Whether they’re viewed as heralds of misfortune or reflections of our own selves, their presence in folklore, literature, and real-life encounters continues to captivate and mystify. While doppelgangers are often associated with doom and gloom, encountering one doesn’t have to be a nightmare. It’s undeniably surreal to meet someone who could pass as your twin, but it can also be a fascinating experience. Engaging with your doppelganger might offer unique insights into aspects of yourself you never considered.

In closing

Doppelgangers, those eerie duplicates of ourselves, continue to captivate our imaginations and stir our deepest fears. Whether viewed through the lens of mythology, psychology, or personal experience, they remind us of the uncanny and mysterious aspects of our existence. So, the next time you catch a glimpse of someone who looks just like you, take a moment to ponder the fascinating world of doppelgangers and the mysteries they hold.

Keep curious and keep an eye out for your doppelganger.

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