Why do we like horror?

We are drawn to horror for a lot of reasons, often finding excitement, adrenaline, and a unique form of entertainment in the the horror genre. There are many facets to the horror genre and no fan is the same as another. There are many reasons why we are drawn to horror and it is a... Continue Reading →

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Long Barrows: History and Myth

Long barrows, enigmatic burial mounds from the Neolithic period, fascinate with their historical significance and myths. Built by early farming communities, they serve as communal burial sites and symbols of territorial claims. Legends of guardian spirits, ancient kings, and wailing ghosts add to their mystical allure. Archaeological discoveries shed light on Neolithic life, while today, long barrows draw historians, spiritual seekers, and the curious alike.

Book Review: Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand, 2015

"Wylding Hall" is a modern gothic novel set in a remote English manor, where a 1970s British folk rock band records an album. Through interviews with band members, the novel unfolds a chilling tale of mystery and tragedy. The atmospheric setting and intertwining of folklore create a unique, compelling narrative. Fans of atmospheric horror and folklore will be captivated.

Understanding Matariki: Māori Culture

Matariki, also known as the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters, holds great significance for the Māori people of New Zealand. It marks the Māori New Year, a time for reflection, celebration, and tradition. With its revitalization, Matariki has become a national celebration, promoting cultural pride, environmental awareness, and community spirit. Whether Māori or not, embracing Matariki means embracing the rich cultural heritage and interconnectedness of life.

The Wren in folklore and mythology

The unassuming Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) may be tiny in size, weighing just 6 grams, but its story is bigger than its small stature. This diminutive bird holds a profound place in the cultural narratives of various societies and weaves its way into folklore and legend with symbolism and cultural significance. One of the striking features... Continue Reading →

Why do people believe in magick?

People's diverse beliefs in magick, influencing events through specific actions, raise captivating questions about human psychology, culture, and reality. Historical, psychological, cultural, and personal factors shape this belief. From providing control in uncertain times to fostering community and social bonding, magick remains an enduring aspect of human experience, offering wonder and empowerment in a chaotic world.

Dark tourism: exploring our dark past

Dark tourism, the trend of visiting sites related to death and tragedy, is gaining popularity. This form of travel, driven by increased interest in historical events and cultural understanding, offers unique insights into humanity's past but also raises ethical considerations about respecting the sites and victims. While it can bring money into an area, it's important to balance financial gain with respect for past events.

A journey through the history of serial killers

Welcome to an exploration of one of humanity's darkest chapters - the history of serial killers. We will be delving into the minds of infamous individuals whose names have become synonymous with terror and fascination. From ancient legends to modern-day monsters, join us on a journey through the eerie annals of serial killer history. Ancient... Continue Reading →

What happens if you meet your doppelganger?

Have you ever seen someone who looks exactly like you but isn't you? It's called encountering a doppelganger, and it's been intriguing people for centuries. Doppelgangers have appeared in folklore, mythology, art, and even modern-day sightings, sparking discussions about identity and the mysteries of existence. Keep an eye out for yours!

Exploring Haunted forests across the globe

From Japan's Aokigahara Forest to England's Epping Forest, haunted woodlands worldwide are shrouded in eerie tales. Each location has its own spooky legends, from ghostly figures in Ballyboley Forest to the Jersey Devil in the Pine Barrens. As we explore these forests, we are drawn into a world where reality and folklore merge, inviting us to uncover the mysteries of the supernatural.

Exploring the Origins, Characteristics, and Allure of Gothic Horror

Gothic horror, born in the late 18th century, merges terror, beauty, and the supernatural. It features eerie settings, supernatural entities, mysterious secrets, and themes of romance and tragedy. Classic works like "Frankenstein" and "Dracula" exemplify this genre's timeless allure. Its enduring appeal lies in its aesthetic, exploration of dark themes, emotional intensity, and adaptability across different mediums. Contemporary examples include "Crimson Peak" and "The Haunting of Hill House", showcasing the genre's ongoing influence in modern storytelling.

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