Waitomo Caves Hotel, New Zealand

Exploring the Haunted History of Waitomo Caves Hotel

Waitomo Caves Hotel is nestled in above the township of Waitomo, New Zealand, is not just a place of natural beauty but also a holds a host of fascinating historical tales and eerie legends. From its beginnings in the late 19th century to its transformation into a renowned tourist destination, the hotel’s journey is intertwined with Maori heritage, European colonization, and a tapestry of paranormal phenomena that continue to intrigue visitors to this day.

Origins and Evolution The origins of Waitomo Caves Hotel can be traced back to 1877 when Fred Mace, a local government surveyor, first ventured into the caves on a raft, sparking the curiosity of tourists. However, it wasn’t until 1904 that the hotel, initially known as Waitomo House, was established by Maori entrepreneur Tane Tinorau and his wife. Tane seeing the increased interest in the nearby Waitomo caves built a house, then converted this to tourist accomadations as Waitomo House. The government’s acquisition came by the Tourist and Health Resorts Department’s purchase of the caves in 1905 and marked a pivotal moment, leading to the hotel’s expansion and renaming as the Government Hostel.

Over the years, the hotel underwent significant developments, including the addition of the Victorian Wing in 1908 and the Art Deco Wing in 1928. These architectural additions not only enhanced its capacity to accommodate guests but also added to its charm, blending Edwardian and Spanish Mission styles. The additions bringing the guest number up to 100 and the name change to Waitomo Caves Hotel. The Hotel ceased ownership by the NZ government in 1980 when the Tanetinorau Opatai Trust took over ownership as part of a Waitangi Treaty settlement.  The trust then on-leaded it to Taharoa Tourism management group who ran it under their Wellesly Hotel and resorts group. By 2012 nearly half of the rooms where deemed uninhabitable and was due for expensive renovations. Delays and legal hold ups meant the renovations did not take place. Wellesly group ran the hotel up until 2020. The refurbishments never took place and the grand old building is now closed.

Maori Legends and Historical Significance The location of Waitomo Caves Hotel holds deep cultural significance for the Maori people. The surrounding limestone caves, considered Tapu (sacred), are believed to be inhabited by Taniwha and Patupaiarehe, mythical beings in Maori folklore. The area’s history is marked by ancient battles between Maori tribes and encounters with British forces during the Kingitanga resistance movement.

One poignant legend associated with the hotel is that of a Maori princess who tragically lost her life while seeking love amidst the tumultuous era of British-Maori conflicts. Her spirit, according to local lore, wanders the hotel’s Victorian Wing, particularly haunting Room 12 and the Honeymoon Suite.

Eerie Encounters and Haunted Hotspots The hotel’s reputation for paranormal activity is well-known, with numerous reports of ghostly sightings and unexplained phenomena. Room 14 is said to be haunted by a young man who encountered the princess’s ghost and met a tragic end himself. The corridors of “Cat Alley” echo with the playful giggles of a spectral child, reminding visitors of a past tragedy involving a maid’s son.

Room 12a, a paranormal hotspot, presents a tapestry of inexplicable occurrences, from moving objects to mysterious footprints. Similarly, Room 25 exudes an oppressive atmosphere, with reports of screams and ghostly activity unsettling guests and staff alike.

A personal story: I stayed at the hotel in 2014. The photos here are from that visit. Yes, I did deliberately book a room in the hope of some spooky happenings. Although it was the height of summer when I stayed it certainly had a chilled atmosphere. Sitting as it does above the small township, you take a windy track behind the buildings and up a narrow driveway to emerge in front of the old building. Staying on a Saturday night in summer, I recall there being only one other guest.. who was never seen. Bags in hand and pressing the button at reception, someone finally emerged and handed over the keys and directions to the room. It did feel very eerie, in that way that empty hotels feel. It was a bit startling to walk up the stairs and come face to face with the halllowed room 12A. But that was not to be my room for the night, mine was just to the side.. 14 or 16 I can’t recall which. Once my bags were down it was time to explore. It did have a very interesting atmosphere, but this was more likely to be from the dimly lit, deserted corridors, old dark furniture and creepy paintings. No eerie happenings occured even though my senses were heightened and anticipating anything. The eeriest it got was early in the morning I was standing on the balcony which was shared with the room next door, and I distinctly felt like the neighbouring room had people in it and I was being watched. On checking out there was a car at the other end of building, which did seem unusual if there were guests the room next door. Winding slowly home I did not regret staying as it was a fascinating experience in what would have once been a very glamourous setting.

Continued Fascination and Research Despite the passage of time and changing ownership, Waitomo Caves Hotel remains a site of intrigue and mystery. Ongoing research by paranormal enthusiasts and historical investigators aims to unravel the truth behind these haunting tales while preserving the rich heritage of this iconic establishment.

We can only hope that the refurbishments can take place and this old building with so much history can be enjoyed for more years. That the echoes of its past and the whispers of its spectral inhabitants continue to captivate those drawn to its storied halls. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, Waitomo Caves Hotel is a place that invites you to step into a world where history, legend, and the supernatural converge, offering a glimpse into a realm beyond the ordinary.

Disclaimer: The accounts of paranormal activity and historical events mentioned are based on local legends and reported experiences, and readers are encouraged to explore further and draw their conclusions.

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